Our Services

Safe Housing, Counselling & Support Services

At Heart Home Network, we provide safe housing, counselling, and comprehensive support services for women and their children who have experienced domestic violence situations or who have a history of trauma.

Located in Calgary, and one of the largest post-emergency shelters in the country, at Heart Home Network we offer 34 Second-Stage Shelter and 51 Progressive Housing self-contained apartments.

Residents in our safe housing programs also participate in a range of counselling and support programs designed to help our residents heal, break the cycle of abuse, and transition to living an independent, healthy, and resilient life in the community.

Former residents continue to have access to support services for up to 6 months as they transition into the community.

Facilities and Amenities:

Second-Stage Shelter

Our Second-Stage Shelter program consists of 34 self-contained apartments. A typical stay in our Second-Stage Shelter program is up to one year. 

During a stay at our Second-Stage Shelter, we provide residents with comprehensive support and services including case management and counselling.

During this time clients make the decision of whether to apply to move into our Progressive Housing program, or find appropriate housing in the community. Our Transition Services Case Manager is able to provide clients with choices on what is best for them and their family based on their monthly finances.

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Progressive Housing

Our Progressive Housing program provides safe, affordable, and independent living for eligible residents who have completed a stay in our Second-Stage Shelter program and have met the programming requirements to be considered for Progressive Housing.

Our Progressive Housing program consists of 51 two-bedroom units, and allows clients to be independent, yet still have access to necessary supports.

On average, residents stay up to one year in this program until they are prepared to transition to the broader community.

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Case Management & Counselling

We offer a range of counselling services to provide support to our residents in their journey towards living an independent life free from family violence in the community.

Residents in our Second-Stage Shelter or Progressive Housing programs are required to participate in case management and counselling programs as part of the resident eligibility criteria. These comprehensive supports are designed to help our residents heal, break the cycle of abuse, and transition to living an independent, healthy, and resilient life in the community.

We provide:

Our Case Managers and Counsellors also assist our residents in practical matters such as:

Former residents continue to have access to services for up to 6 months as they transition into the community.

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Skill-Building & Job Training

We also offer skill-building and job training workshops and programs to help our residents as they transition from supported to independent living, including financial independence.

We provide:

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Child Development Centre

Our Child Development Centre is a safe, secure, and trauma-informed environment where children can engage in positive learning opportunities and attain positive attachments as well as developmental and social-emotional milestones.

*Please note this is not a daycare. Our Child Development Centre provides developmental programming for children aged 0-12 living at Heart Home Network, as well as providing emergency respite care.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I reside with you?
  • Our Second-Stage Shelter program is up to 1 year for singles/families.
  • Our Progressive Housing program is also up to 1 year in length, can only be accessed after completing a shelter stay with us, and is only available to families.
Do I have to apply to each Second-Stage Shelter in Calgary separately, or do you participate in a shared intake process?
  • You do not have to apply to each Calgary-based Second-Stage Shelter separately!
  • Heart Home Network is part of a shared intake process; completion of one referral can help you apply to all eligible Second-Stage Shelters in Calgary.
Am I still eligible to stay on the Calgary Housing waitlist if I access your program?  
  • Unfortunately, you are not eligible to remain on the Calgary Housing waitlist if you decide to access our services.
  • You would need to reapply for Calgary Housing when you are close to your end of stay with us.
What type of units do you have?  
  • We have a mix of studio, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom self-contained units.
  • Units are assigned based on current availability and family composition.
  • Please note: We have 6 units available for single occupancy clients, so our waitlist is often quite long for these spaces.
Are there restrictions on visitors while I stay?
  • Yes. There are restrictions for daytime and overnight guests visiting at Heart Home Network.
Is there security onsite?
  • Yes, we have a secure entrance with double locking doors – you need to ring a doorbell to gain entry.
  • Our building is also staffed 24-hours a day with security.
What type of programming do you offer and what does engagement look like?
  • We offer onsite Case Management, Counselling, Skill-Building & Job Training Group Workshops, Parenting Support, and a Child Development Centre (please note this is not daycare - our Child Development Centre provides developmental programming and emergency respite child care).
  • You are required to engage with your team at least once a week.
What if my family composition changes?
  • We will do our best to support you and your family based on your unique needs.This includes supporting people who are working to get their children back into their care.
  • We also work to accommodate changes within our funding parameters (i.e. Calgary Housing standards).

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